Tuesday, December 15, 2009

O Come, Emmanuel

I first saw Amy Grant on MTV in her 1985 Find a Way video. She radiated a wholesome, winsome innocence that was as rare as it was appealing. Her coltish dance moves only added to her authenticity. By the making of this video, Grant had already recorded seven albums and formed a successful songwriting collaboration with Michael W. Smith, whose heavily synthesized keyboards - typical of 1980s pop music - dominated their hit singles.

Emmanuel from 1986 is one of my favorite Christian contemporary and Christmas songs. The lyrics consist of a simple, repetitive praise to Jesus.

Emmanuel, Emmanuel.
Wonderful, Counselor!
Lord of life, Lord of all;
He's the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Holy One!
Emmanuel, Emmanuel.

1 comment:

TK said...

Amy Grant and her music was also a huge influence in my early adult years. Emmanuel remains a beautiful contemporary interpretation of the hymn. Funny thing is that I had put her on such a high pedestal (my problem, not hers) that when her marriage failed, I shut her music out of my life. Keep in mind that I was immersed in fundamentalist practices. After leaving fundamentalism, her music then reminded me of my former ways (which now irritate me). So, I screwed myself out of some very good music! Thanks for the reminder that she truly is a sinner and saint, like the rest of us, and produced some wonderful tunes.